优思学院・六西格玛咨询 – 助力设备制造商占领战略高地
本文作者陆烨晨(Yechen Lu),为优思学院高级顾问(Senior Consultant),他是英国赫特福德大学・营运管理硕士、同时也是APICS注册生产及库存管理师 (CPIM)、ILSSI认证六西格玛黑带(CSSBB),他在供应链管理的多个方面拥有超过20年的管理经验,涉及管理会计、商业管理和精益生产等领域。
20年前,当中国的汽车行业刚起步的时候,新车销售是4S点最主要的业务增长和盈利的点,客户对汽车的服务和保养更多依赖于价廉物美的路边维修店。而今年来, 中国4S点的盈利模式已从销售新车转向专注于售后保养维修,与市场上大量的对手在定价策略和客户体验,服务内容,备品备件等各个领域展开激励的竞争,争取健康的客户亲密度,同时为新设备的销售打下更好的基础。很多设备制造商在未来 5 到 10 年内将服务和维护的必胜之战纳入战略规划。

有趣的是,数据显示,在欧洲,机械制造商至少有 33% 的收入来自售后服务事业部,而在中国,同一制造商的售后服务收入仅占其总收入的 10%。证明了售后服务的机遇是巨大的,挑战也是显而易见的。
– 我们了解我们的客户吗?客户体验是否一如既往的满意?
– 如何利用原厂购买力保持售后服务定价策略的竞争力?
– 前员工前或内部员工带来的不道德的竞争
– 我们的资源效率是否足以执行必要的维护和维修, 同时了解客户额外的需求,带来业务增长的机会?
– 原始设备制造商是否了解并分析了他们提供给客户的机器里的数据,以便更好的分析数据中的客户需求和商业机会?

– 如何充分聆听客户声音,归纳梳理,利用亲和关系图来认清客户最关心的满意度要素。
– 回归分析将有助于确定某个要素会与客户满意度直接相关。
– SIOPC 方法将帮助于识别客户体验的工业服务的关键过程及周边相关
– 实验设计将帮助将针对客户体验实施的改进计划与满意度的测量评判联系起来。
– 寻找合适的测量方法来测量客户满意程度,并使用因果关系矩阵确定与客户建立紧密联系的关键因素。
– 使用鱼骨图、5个为什么等方法来追寻根本原因
– X bar – R 控制图或 P/NP 控制图 来测量定量和定性指标, 以追踪改进的效果
– 当涉及来自客户机器的大量数据时,六西格玛数据统计处理是最好的工具,用于分析机器使用中的各种行为、识别与最佳机器状态之间的差距,并向客户提出要改进计划,帮助机器达到最佳运行状态,并实时与客户构建紧密联系。


About the Author: Yechen Lu is a Senior Consultant of UCOURSE LIMITED,he holds a Master Degree in Operation Management at the University of Hertfordshire England, he is also an APICS Certified in Production and Inventory Management (CPIM) and ILSSI Certified Six Sigma Black Belt (CSSBB), he has over 20 years experience in multiple facets of supply chain management, covering areas of management accounting, business management and lean manufacturing.
In these decades, the 4S car workshop in China has transferred their profit model from selling new cars to focus on after-sales maintenance, yet there are plenty of competitions on the market to get into this after-sales service market with a cheaper pricing strategy and more customer intimacy. The OEMs have taken on the Must-Win Battle of service and maintenance into their strategy blueprint in the next 5 to 10 years.
Interestingly, in Europe, a machinery supplier has made 33% of their revenue from their service, in China, however, the same supplier has ONLY made 10% of the revenue from their service. The opportunity is huge, but the challenges are enormous:
– Do we understand our customers? Is the customer experience consistent?
– Do we have a great pricing strategy to leverage the OEM buying power to stay competitive?
– Unethical competition brought about by former or internal employees
– Is our resources efficient enough to perform the essential maintenance service?
– Does the OEM understand the data set from the machinery or service they provide and analyzed enough to be able to guide for the next business opportunities?
Adopting Six Sigma Methodology to get rid of the above pain points
All of these challenges can be addressed following the 6 sigma methodology, it brought in a lot of tools into this:
– Using Affinity Diagram to collect and organize the Voice of Customer (VOC) and establish the CTQ.
– Using Regression Analysis to identify the relationship of the CTQ to the customer’s satisfaction.
– Using SIPOC method to identify the key input and processes of industrial service.
– Using DOE to optimize the customer satisfaction level.
– Simplify the measurement method to effectively understand customer satisfaction and use the causality matrix to identify the key factors that create a strong connection with customers.
– Using root cause analysis to enhance the continuous improvement culture.
– Using X bar – R chart and P/NP chart to control the quantitative and qualitative KPIs to maintain the service consistency.
– When it comes to a large set of data from customer’s machinery, the Six Sigma tools will be the best ever tools to identify the behavior of the machine usage, identify the gap to the best machine status and guide through improve the plan to persuade the customer to build this closer relationship with the organization.
If you and your organization are interested in learning more about how Six Sigma can reshape your service business in China, please do not hesitate to contact us. UCOURSE LIMITED has been provided Online Certification Course since 2019, we can also provide customized consultation for a specific industry.